One of the problems with the motor vehicle industry is the deception and pressure customers get from some automotive workshops.
Perhaps this has happened to you… your car is making a “rattling noise”, for example, so you take it to a new workshop – and after 5 minutes of looking at your car, they tell you how the wheels will fall off, the suspension will crack & the engine will explode if you don’t spend $3,000 right then & there to get it fixed!
We’ve heard plenty of horror stories like this from new customers at TNK, where they have been badly burned at other mechanics (which we won’t name!) and we’re determined to be one of the “good guys” in the industry.
So, that is why we have created a 3 step process which we’ve called our “Fair Quote” approach to all work we do – for your peace of mind:
No work done without your approval – during an inspection or any other servicing, we will highlight areas where we believe work are required either immediately or very soon. We’ll give you options at various price points, so you can make an informed and educated decision and ONLY proceed with your blessing! No nasty surprises on your final bill
No pressure to go beyond your budget – we’ll work with you to wherever possible, to come up with a solution that fits your cashflow. That may mean doing some of the work today, and some when you’re next paid so that you’re not having to max out your credit cards or borrow from family members to pay for non-emergency work
Transparent pricing – none of us like getting big bills with no details about the work involved! Our solution to this, is to list each item clearly on your final invoice so you can see where your hard-earned money is going. This way you can have certainty in knowing that you’re getting what you’ve paid for
Finally, on top of this, all our work is guaranteed. Because ultimately, we know if you’re satisfied with our work, you’ll tell 3 friends… but if you’re not, you’ll tell 10! Looking after you isn’t just the “right thing to do”, it’s also good business sense icon smile Our Fair Quote Approach
So why not put us to the test?
All mechanical repairs conducted by TNK Automotive come with a guarantee on all jobs. We are providing this by selecting only the best quality products and tradespeople in the industry to ensure the repairs are of the highest possible standard.